Bonus incentives for Rapido captain



Rapido is India's first and largest Bike Taxi platform with a mission to make daily commute accessible, affordable, and convenient. With over 50 Million rides and 1 Million plus captains (drivers), Rapido is changing the intra-city travel and the life of every Rapido Captain.


Survey analysis, jobs to be done, wireframing, visual design, prototyping


Shasikumar | UI Designer
Priyanka Ande | Product Manager


Oct 2021 - Nov 2021

Rapido Captain’s average user retention rate grew over 4X in the past 6 months, by helping captains earn extra through their various incentive programs.


In order to address the very high drop-off rate after the first ride, Rapido wanted to introduce bonus incentives for captains. How might we motivate Rapido captains to stay longer on the app while making earning bonuses fun.


Analyzing app real data & Surveys

I went through the data stats provided by Rapido’s dev team and a survey data that was conducted with already existing captains. I wanted to understand their pain points.

Data stats of Rapido Caption app shared by the dev team

Insights from the survey conducted by Rapido

70% of captains would not go on duty due to long pickup.
32% of captains found rain pickup difficult.
48% of captains were frustrated when money got deducted because the customer canceled the ride.
20% of captains felt Rapido had poor customer support service.


Identifying and prioritizing user jobs and goals

👨🏻‍ ️Help Captains

Motivate to complete more rides and earn a bonus.

🛵 Help Rapido

Increase the time captain stays on the platform by making the experience fun and easy to understand.

🚀 Help Growth

Optimize incentives as part of the engine for user retention and make incentives our #1 retention channel.

Then I made a comprehensive list of user jobs across personas. This exercise laid the foundation for our MVP.

An example of a Job-To-Be-Done for Rapido Captain


As a captain,


When I complete a ride


I want to earn ride tips


so that I can pay college fees.

During this phase, some challenges that I came across were the placement of the Incentives feature, how to design the layout, and which framework to use.


How might I place the new feature in the existing architecture

I had to keep the architecture the same due to the constraint, so I placed the Incentives feature inside the hamburger menu.

Constraint: The visual design should follow the same design system and architecture.

Wireframe exploration

Putting Incentives in hamburger made it less discoverable resulting in:
Low salience: A small icon was harder to notice on a mobile screen.
Low information scent: The label doesn’t tell people what’s inside it, so they have no idea if they’ll find what they need by clicking on it.
Extra work: To figure out what’s inside the Incentives section, people must click on it.

Final solution

In the final visual design, I added a red badge to highlight the new feature along with a contextual label. Incentives lie permanently within the hamburger menu on the homepage.

Centralized entry point

Flow triggering just after a ride was completed helped with discoverability


How might I build a high trust relationship with the captain

I started with a framework where I added a way to view the total earned bonus along with all the different types of bonus that users can earn. Users can also share their earned incentive journey. I used the concept of the goal gradient effect to motivate users as they get closer to the goal.

An ethical and transparent framework generates user trusts

The goal gradient effect motivates users as they get closer to the goal

Final solution

A simple, intuitive, and transparent layout for our captains.

First Time User Experience (FTUX)


Style Guide

To keep the design consistent, I created a style guide using Rapido design system to be used across the application.

Style guide for the design

Learning and key takeaways

Zeigarnik Effect: People remember uncompleted tasks better than completed tasks. Positive reinforcement by reminding the users of their progress is a great way to increase the retention rate.
Happy Path: Try to offer a "simplified" experience with reduced difficulty. It's a great way to:
a.boost activation rate & engagement when onboarding new users and
b.increase user retention when resurrected users come back after a long pause.
Use Triggers: A "trigger" is a prompt for a user to take action. People are more susceptible to taking action if the external trigger is aligned with an internal trigger.